About Running Games with Xbox Live on Windows or Xbox Console

About Running Games with Xbox Live on Windows or Xbox Console


The games we offer for Windows Store and Xbox Store requires Xbox Live Login to be able to play 

them, in Windows OS you will need to use the Xbox Companion App or the Xbox Live App or to be 

able to run the games, the games are always in your library of your account.

In Windows or in Xbox Console if you have any issue login in, close and open the game again or just 

try again later, it can happens some times due some connection error and this is out of our control, 

but if you try again later it will work without any issue.


Use first:

Xbox Console Companion:  https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/xbox-console-companion/9wzdncrfjbd8?activetab=pivot:overviewtab

The games should appear on your library.

Also you can try:

Xbox App for Windows: https://www.xbox.com/en-US/apps/xbox-app-for-windows-10

You can also use an Xbox Console to play if they are on your library.